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The email you have entered under your personal information in URSA is the one being used for news about the labs. You need to change this to the email address you prefer for this information; we cannot do that for you. If you do not have a working email address entered, you will not be able to receive timely information about the lab assignments or other lab news. Learn how to file the email address here.

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Lab section syllabus <--click there to download a PDF file of the lab syllabus.

Wondering if you need to take the lab section? Skip down

General information about the labs (skip down)

Lab Assignment #1: Cloud Portfolio

This assignment is due by Friday, June 6, 2014. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OR PRINT A COPY OF THE PDF FILE

Lab Assignment #2: Weather Map Analysis I: Isopleths

This assignment is due Friday, May 9, 2014. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OR PRINT A COPY OF THE PDF FILE

Lab Assignment #3: Humidity Observations

This assigment is due Wednesday, May 21, 2014. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OR PRINT A COPY OF THE PDF FILE

Lab Assignment #4: Weather Map Analysis II: Fronts

This assignment is due Friday, June 6, 2014. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OR PRINT A COPY OF THE PDF FILE

Who should take the lab section?

For students entering UCLA in Fall 2002 and after:

Your GE requirements in "Foundations of Scientific Inquiry" are 18 units with at least one course each in a Physical and a Life Science. One of these two courses must be:

This means you need at least two more science courses of only 4 units (or more) each (one each of Physical and Life Sciences) and they do not need to have a lab/demo component (in order to make exactly 18 units, you will then need one more 5-unit science course...or you can choose to take two more science courses that are 4-units each, for a total of 21 units in science GEs).

You have two options:

General information about the lab for everyone

The lab section and the lecture/discussion are to be taken together. You cannot get credit for the lab in a separate quarter.

Lab Assignments. There will be four lab assignments. These assignments may take the form of worksheets where you do calculations, plot graphs and so on. They may also involve taking weather observations and analyzing them, and printing out a series of weather maps over several days and using them to make a weather forecast.

Communication about the lab assignments. Information about the labs, availability of lab worksheets, due dates, and such is broadcasted by mass email. You must have a valid email address entered into the Registrar's system via URSA. Failure to do so may mean you may miss some important messages about the labs. If you are not a regularly enrolled UCLA student, you can monitor announcements on this website and announcements in lecture.

Grading. Each lab assignment is worth 25 points. The final course grade for the lecture and lab will be a single grade based on the points earned from the lecture section and the lab section added together (i.e., out of 1100 points). Your transcript will show two separate grades, one for the lecture and one for the lab, but they will be the same (unless you set one for a letter grade and the other P/NP). The grade breakdown will be the same percentages noted for the lecture section.

You must write up your own labs. While you may collaborate with other students in the course while you work on the labs, you cannot have people not enrolled in the course help you with the labs or do the lab work for you. Students who have proxies complete their lab work will have the assignments put on deferred status and the case will be prosecuted by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Last updated 05/30/2014